All people which are involved in the piracy & NetSec scene or created forums to talk about such topics.

All other people which helped to push this little project forward.All developers which developed mentioned programs.All demoscene people which helped to build the scene.Since the list is huge I can't name each and every single one of you, but here is a short list which hopefully covers all of them: bigger scene changes/infos the list might recieve updates outside this schedule! Most lists you find are outdated, not actively maintained or full of malware links.GitHub and I do not supporting warez (!) - we're also not responsible for external links or their content! If you dislike the information this list provides then please contact the website owner/webmaster/hoster directly and fill a DMCA request. It also provides some background information about the scene. This list is the biggest Warez overview on the entire internet! It contains links to Warez related topics, discussions, tools etc.